Providing Dog Training Services in Gilbert, SC

Trust our professionals to improve your dog's behavior

A well-trained dog is an amazing addition to any family. However, training your dog or puppy may not be a job you can take on yourself. Fortunately, Professional Paws serves Gilbert, SC. We offer a wide range of dog and puppy training services, including aggression modification and sight training for deaf dogs.
Contact us now for dog training services in Gilbert, SC.

Taking a comprehensive approach to your dog's training and care

Training your dog is only one component of their care. To curb hyperactive behaviors and help your dog feel settled and content, you'll need to prioritize their physical and mental health as well. That's why we offer...

  • Pet sitting services to keep your dog fed and happy while you're away
  • Dog walking services to help your dog get the exercise they need
  • Behavior analysis services to identify unwanted behaviors

Our professionals can help your dog stay healthy and happy while training them to improve their overall behavior. Speak with our owner today to learn more about our services.