Does Your Dog Act Like a Bully?

Hire a professional dog trainer in Lexington, Columbia, St. Andrews, Gilbert, SC and surrounding areas

If you've rescued a dog from the local shelter, they may have some serious trust issues. This can result in aggression towards other dogs and humans. With a dog training service from Professional Paws, your furry friend's behavior can be modified to reduce this aggression and improve obedience. With over 16 years of experience, we know how to deal with your aggressive dog correctly.

Call 803-479-0738 to speak with a professional dog trainer serving Lexington, Columbia, West Columbia, St. Andrews, Leesville, Gilbert, SC and surrounding areas.

See marked improvement in your dog's behavior

See marked improvement in your dog's behavior

Our professional dog trainer will come to your home so your dog can remain in an environment they're familiar with. From there, we'll make observations and perform positive reinforcement exercises. This includes stimulating your pup's aggression so that we can train them to become less sensitized to their specific triggers.

Whether your dog experiences social aggression or territorial aggression, we'll work closely with them to ensure their behavior becomes less anxious and more trusting.

Contact us today to schedule a professional dog training service in Lexington, Columbia, West Columbia, St. Andrews, SC and surrounding areas.

  • Professional Paws

    Lexington, SC 29072


    Call Us
    Phone: (803) 479-0738

    Mon: 9:00AM-5:00PM
    Tue: 9:00AM-5:00PM
    Wed: 9:00AM-5:00PM
    Thu: 9:00AM-5:00PM
    Fri: 9:00AM-5:00PM
    Sat: Weekend Appointments available
    Sun: Weekend Appointments available